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Collection: Pricing your products

Collection: Pricing your products

Here are some alternative ways of pricing your product with links.

Vertical Centering with CSS

Vertical Centering with CSS

A great technique for designers/developers on centering something vertically on a web page.

AJAX: The Past, Present, and Future

AJAX: The Past, Present, and Future

Based on the current news and events, now is the time to be an AJAX developer.

Remembrance of 9/11

Remembrance of 9/11

Do you remember where you were when the 9/11 disaster occurred?

STOP! Do you enjoy what your doing right now?

STOP! Do you enjoy what your doing right now?

How many of you enjoy your work? No? Well, do something about it!

How to document a client's network

How to document a client's network

Here's a simple roadmap and template on how to document a client's network.

Programmers Top Annual Salary Gains

Programmers Top Annual Salary Gains be a programmer. :-)

How to set up a personal home Subversion server

How to set up a personal home Subversion server

Developers need to have a version control server in place. How's one.

The Psychology of Colors in your Business

The Psychology of Colors in your Business

How does your business portray your image with its use of colors?

Why money doesn't bring happiness

Why money doesn't bring happiness

Do you honestly think money would make you happier?