Recent Posts

Humor: A Frog Princess and a Programmer

Humor: A Frog Princess and a Programmer

One of my favorite jokes on my Palm Pilot.

Good News/Bad News

Good News/Bad News

Ok, first the good news...

Dell finalizes Alienware deal

Dell finalizes Alienware deal

Dell has purchased the heavy-duty PC company called Alienware.

Humor: 12 reasons why prison is better than a job.

Humor: 12 reasons why prison is better than a job.

If you've even had issues with your job, you may want to think about getting into prison. It may be a little bit better. Here's why.

Blaxing = AJAX + Blogging

Blaxing = AJAX + Blogging

One person already beat me to the prototype, but not to the term.

Humor: Employment slogans

Humor: Employment slogans

A little humor for Friday

IBM Releases AJAX Toolkit Framework

IBM Releases AJAX Toolkit Framework

A technology that assists in constructing Eclipse framework support for AJAX Toolkits.

AdvancedAJAX 1.0

AdvancedAJAX 1.0

Another AJAX framework with a little more meat to it.

U.S. Grants a Patent on AJAX. WHAT!??!?!?

U.S. Grants a Patent on AJAX. WHAT!??!?!?

Tell me I'm not reading this!

Krugle - Google for Coders

Krugle - Google for Coders has news on a new search engine for programmers called Krugle.