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UPDATE: Using Dependency Injection on ViewModelBuilder

UPDATE: Using Dependency Injection on ViewModelBuilder

On a previous piece of code, dependency injection should have been used on my ViewModelBuilder. Today, I provide a cleaner way to do my ViewModelBuilder.

My Top 5 ASP.NET MVC ActionFilters

My Top 5 ASP.NET MVC ActionFilters

ActionFilters have been around since the first release of ASP.NET MVC. Today, I give you my five favorite ActionFilters to use right away in your MVC code.

Freelancing Your Services or How To Make Money Online As A Developer

Freelancing Your Services or How To Make Money Online As A Developer

If you've been around for a while in the coding industry, why wouldn't you break out and moonlight? Today, I list a number of freelance web sites where you can make money as a developer.

Using JetBrain's ReSharper 9 to implement (and learn) Design Patterns

Using JetBrain's ReSharper 9 to implement (and learn) Design Patterns

One of ReSharper's best kept secrets are Smart Templates. Today, I show you how to master your design patterns using a free download.

Creating a Repository Pattern without an ORM

Creating a Repository Pattern without an ORM

If you don't feel like using an ORM, like Entity Framework, you can build your own data layer. In this post, I talk about a different way to pull data from a database using a strategy pattern.

The Two Tools I Use To Find Broken Links On My Site

The Two Tools I Use To Find Broken Links On My Site

So how many broken links (404s) do you have on your site? Today, I talk about the two utilities I use for finding broken links on your site.

What are the differences between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms?

What are the differences between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms?

Since 2002, Web Forms was always the method for developing Microsoft Web Applicatons...until MVC came along. Today, I talk about the differences between Web Forms and MVC.

ASP.NET MVC: Data-Driven CSS Sprites

ASP.NET MVC: Data-Driven CSS Sprites

If you want to speed up your site, you need to make a minimum amount of requests. In today's post, we'll create a dynamic sprite image based on multiple images in a database.

Top Travel Gear for Developers

Top Travel Gear for Developers

In this digital age, it doesn't matter where you are in the world, freelance developers need the right tools in this mobile world. Today, I talk about all of the gadgets you need by going through my messenger bag.

5 Awesome Libraries That Enhance Twitter Bootstrap

5 Awesome Libraries That Enhance Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter's Bootstrap creates a CSS standard for "devigners" to build websites extremely fast. Today, I talk about 5 free libraries that enhance Bootstrap to give you more functionality.