How to Minimize Your Wallet/Purse Series

October 12th, 2015

Debit Card, Gift Cards, Credit Cards! Ughh! My wallet needs to go on a diet. Today, I start a series of how to minimize your wallet with different techniques and gadgets.

Over the past four years, I've noticed a lot of individuals (male friends) getting out their wallet to pay for something and it looks like an oval with all of the papers, cards, and receipts smashed together in such a small place.

About two years ago, I decided to go on a minimalist endeavor (and it still continues) to remove a lot of garbage from my life. Recently, I've been drawn towards making my wallet a little bit thinner.

Can you blame me?

We are constantly bombarded with cards every day in our life.

We receive them because of our loyalty with department stores and gas stations.

Your credit may be exceptional so they send credit card offers to entice you.

Before you know it, you have one fat wallet or purse. Yikes!

Even though it's not time to "Spring Clean," it may be time for you to put your wallet or purse on a diet.


Over the course of this week, I will be showing you ways to shrink your wallet or purse by removing any excess junk, provide alternative solutions, and review various technology gadgets to organize that mobile bank you have in your pocket making everything a little easier to carry.

Also, if you have any ideas on how to make your wallet smaller or purse lighter, post your comments below. I'm sure a lot of people would find your comments a huge help with this particular series.

Let's get started with Articulate.

Minimize Your Wallet/Purse Series