Best Posts of DanylkoWeb for 2019

January 6th, 2020

Another year for the books! To start off 2020, I wanted to share with my readers all of the the best posts from 2019.

With the new year upon us, I thought I would reflect on the most popular posts of 2019 on DanylkoWeb.

As I looked over the hits of these posts, I wondered what made them so interesting. Was it because of ASP.NET Core? Did people like reviews? Did people like a code technique or tutorial?

Before I present the list, I want readers to understand a technique or need assistance with ASP.NET (either Core or .NET Framework), please let me know through my contact page and I will do my best to provide a thorough post on how to complete your requirement.

A majority of these posts were written by me, but there are a select few guest posts in this list. Make sure they receive some writing-love as well for their contributions over this past year. They definitely deserve it.

Without further delay, here are the 20 most popular posts from 2019 (in descending order).

Most Popular Posts on DanylkoWeb for 2019

  1. 20. 10 Programming Lessons For New Developers

    What one piece of advice would you give to a new developer learning to code? Today, I list 10 important lessons for new developers.

  2. 19. Collection: Docker

    Today's collection includes a number of links on how to understand Docker faster with labs and tutorials.

  3. 18. Building Dynamic Zip Bundle in ASP.NET Core: Part 1 - Dynamic PDFs

    How do you create dynamic files and include them in a dynamic zip file for download? In this two-part series, we first explain how to create a dynamic PDF

  4. 17. Real-World Refactoring: Dependency Injecting a Non-ORM Repository for ASP.NET Core

    A reader asked me how to implement DI with a non-ORM codebase. Today, we refactor some old code to include dependency injection for .NET Core.

  5. 16. Review: Codemash v2.0.1.9

    Codemash is awesome every year with friends and fantastic sessions and 2019 didn't disappoint.

  6. 15. Collection: Web API Best Practices

    It seems like the wild, wild West out there when it comes to APIs. In this new collection, I focus on best practices when consuming and creating Web APIs.

  7. 14. Entity Framework Core: Using Junction or Associative Tables

    One-to-many and one-to-one is easy, but what about many-to-many? Today, I explain how to create a many-to-many relationship in Entity Framework Core.

  8. 13. Codemash 2019, Part 2

    As the second part of Codemash 2019, guest blogger Andrew Hinkle gives his review of this years' Codemash and the sessions he attended.

  9. 12. Developer Tips: C# Selenium with MSTest Basics

    Our guest blogger, Andrew Hinkle, walks us through a checklist of how to setup Selenium with an introduction to DogFoodCon 2019

  10. 11. 5 Methods of Generating Code Using Microsoft Tools

    Writing code can be tedious, but if you have the tools available, it can drastically improve productivity. Today, I cover five ways to generate code rapidly.

  11. 10. Collection: Beginner Tutorials for ASP.NET MVC

    This collection provides various sites for beginners to learn about ASP.NET MVC, both free and non-free.

  12. 9. Building Dynamic Zip Bundle in ASP.NET Core: Part 2 - Dynamic Zip

    In this second and final part, we take our previous dynamic PDF, add two other files, and pack them into a dynamic zip file.

  13. 8. Developer Tips: C# Extension Methods on Interfaces

    Our guest blogger, Andrew, covers the topic of creating extension methods on interfaces making dependency injection easier.

  14. 7. Reducing your Cyclomatic Complexity in C#

    Do you have a sawtooth if..then..else from hell? Today, I explain how to lower your cyclomatic complexity in your application.

  15. 6. Integration Testing Your Web APIs

    Integration Testing. Without a server. AND database? Yes, it can be done. In today's post, we demonstrate this awesome capability.

  16. 5. Advanced Basics: Bootstrap 4 with ASP.NET Core TagHelpers

    How do you make Bootstrap easier? By leveraging TagHelpers. Today, we build a basic ASP.NET Core 2.2 Bootstrap Container TagHelper.

  17. 4. Book Review: Refactoring, 2nd Edition

    Even though I had the Refactoring, First Edition, I had to have this book. Today, I review Martin Fowler's Refactoring, 2nd Edition.

  18. 3. Deploying SQL Server Databases using Azure DevOps Pipelines

    DevOps was easy with websites, but what about database AND data? Today, I explain how to deploy a database and data through Azure DevOps Pipelines.

  19. 2. Resources: Podcasts

    Recently, a fellow developer asked which podcasts I subscribe to on a weekly basis. Here is my list of podcasts I listen (and try to get to) every week.

  20. 1. 10 Version Control Guidelines

    Version control is a must-know for developers, even beginners. In this re-post, I discuss the 10 guidelines for using source control properly


As mentioned above, if you have any suggestions for an interesting blog post, please send me an email through the contact page.

I already received a couple of requests for ASP.NET Core posts this year.

What new technology are you interested in learning this year? Post your comments below and let's discuss.