The Two Tools I Use To Find Broken Links On My Site

April 27th, 2015

So how many broken links (404s) do you have on your site? Today, I talk about the two utilities I use for finding broken links on your site.

One of the basic functions of the web is to make sure you don't have any broken links in your site. A broken link can mean a bad experience for your users.

There are a number of online utilities to help out with this tedious, but important task. I want to go over two of them with you today.

If you have a huge site, how can you afford to go through every single page to find broken links? It can be a daunting task.

That's why I'm covering my favorite tools today in order to make your site a little better in the long run.

Xenu Link Sleuth

Xenu Link Sleuth is a downloadable client and runs pretty darn quick for a small utility. I ran this utility and it took a total of a minute-and-a-half to scan my entire site.

It has a very easy interface to find out if your site has any internal or external broken links. Everything is in a List view and is very easy to navigate from link to link.

After Xenu is done spidering your site, it asks if you could like the report sent to an FTP site or you can just press OK and have the report display in a browser to view later.

Screaming Frog - SEO Spider

Since this is a freebie up to 500 links, this satisfied my curiosity regarding additional data about my site. Along with checking for broken links, Screaming Frog can detect (taken from their site):

Phew! This does a heck of a lot for a free product.

If you want to purchase it and remove the 500 URL limit, it's £99 ($150 US) for a year subscription.


I know there are more out there, but to be honest, I haven't found any other sensational tools.

These two utilities have saved me countless hours and work just as good as any commercial products.

Have I missed any? Post your comments below.